Great British Bake-Off Judges as Your Clinical Supervisors

The Great British Bake-Off (GBBO as it’s commonly abbreviated) is a British-centric baking competition where contestants compete against each other to create the best breads, puddings, and mince pies. Compared to Iron Chef America and similar American cooking competitions, GBBO is a stroll through a country-side meadow while the royal family judges you gently from the sidelines. It is less “angry yelling” and more “subtle disappoint in your actual skills”. For this reason, it is the perfect metaphor for graduate school or for clinical practice for social workers or counselors.

In this metaphor for graduate school, Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry, the judges of GBBO, are the perfect clinical supervisors. Their feedback on your therapy skills is succinct yet vague and sometimes leaves you with more questions than answers. You’re greatest fear is Dr. Berry’s inevitable disappointment and your greatest accomplishment is a “That wasn’t completely terrible” from Dr. Hollywood.

Keep reading to see learn supervision tips from the baking pros in gifs.

1. Your supervisor explaining your role as a supervisee

2. When you get too honest with your supervisor about how unorganized you are

3. Waiting for feedback while your supervisor keeps rewinding the video

4. When your supervisor sees you try a new intervention without researching it

5. When the “nice” supervisor tries to tell you how bad the intervention went

6. When the “mean” supervisor REALLY tells you how it really went

7. When your supervisor tells you to try more silence in your sessions

8. When you’re quiet for a whole minute in your video because you didn’t know how to respond

9. How every supervisor responds when you tell them how well you think you did in your last session

10. When your supervisor asks how many direct hours you have by the middle of the semester

11. “Dr. Berry, do you require a case conceptualization for EVERY client?”

12. Asking your supervisor what theory they think you should choose

13. When you bring worksheets to supervision after your supervisor told you to stop relying on Therapist Aid

14. Seeking the comfort of your cohort in group supervision

15. It’s finally the end of the semester! Better be prepared for all the outside work your supervisor suddenly wants you to complete

16. You’ve finally pleased the hardest supervisor!

17. Your supervisors at graduation

Is your supervisor a Paul Hollywood or a Mary Berry? Comment below!


Theory to Practice: Feminist Theory Case Conceptualization Worksheet


Theory to Practice: Person-Centered Progress Note